Sound Healing

Experience the transformative power of Sound Healing with Lori Petty. Through a blend of healing sounds and instruments, including quartz crystal bowls, Koshi Chimes, and Tibetan sound bowls, Lori guides you on a journey to enhance your multidimensional well-being

Private Sound Healing

In a Private Sound Healing Session tailored just for you, immerse yourself in the profound resonance of these instruments. With Lori's guidance, you'll explore the musical and mathematical language of sound, and the specific vibrational qualities of the chakras, leading to a deep resonance within yourself and activating vibrational re-patterning.

Relax fully clothed on the table for 20, 30, or 60 minutes as the therapeutic sounds gently work to re-pattern and recalibrate your body and energy system, promoting health and harmony from within. Allow Lori Petty to support you on this beautiful journey toward vitality and truth.

Sound Bed Session

In a Private Sound Healing Session tailored just for you, immerse yourself in the profound resonance of these instruments. With Lori's guidance, you'll explore the musical and mathematical language of sound, and the specific vibrational qualities of the chakras, leading to a deep resonance within yourself and activating vibrational re-patterning.

Relax fully clothed on the table for 20, 30, or 60 minutes as the therapeutic sounds gently work to re-pattern and recalibrate your body and energy system, promoting health and harmony from within. Allow Lori Petty to support you on this beautiful journey toward vitality and truth.

Interested in having Lori provide Sound Healing at your event?